シーズン1 #1『Pilot/新生グリー誕生』(7/7)



レイチェル:Look, you guys, these steps are not hard.I've been doing them since preschool.


カート:I'm sorry, did I miss the election for queen ? Because I didn't vote for you.


レイチェル:I know what I'm talking about.


カート:This is closed rehearsal


フィン:Look, I owe you guys an apology.I never should have quit.I don't want to e the guy that just drives around throwing eggs at people.



フィン:Look, that isn't who I am, and I'm tired of it.This is waht I want to be doing,with you guys.I used to think that this was, like, the lamest thing on Earth, and maybe it is, but...we're all here for the same reason--cause we want to be good at something.


※ I owe you guys an apologyこちら の解説が詳しかった。

「あなたに謝らなきゃいけない」/ 「お詫びしなければいけません」という決まり文句。

フレーズに関して、フィンが ‘I owe you guys an aplogy.’ と言っているように、この場合に限らず、’you guys’「君ら」‘you two’「あなたたち2人」’you all’「あなたたち全員」など同じ ’you’でもバリエーションを効かせることができます。






エマ:I want to show you something.I did a little research...and this is a tape I found in the liblary of the 93 team at nationals.

これを見てほしいの。 調べものしてきたのよ・・・図書館でこのビデオを見つけたわ。93年の全国大会。

エマ:Do you know what that is ? That's you, Will.That's you happier than I've ever seen you.


シュー:That was the greatest moment of my life.



シュー:Because I loved what I was doing.I knew before we were halfway through with that number that we were going to win.And being a part of that, in that moment... I knew who I was in the world.And the only time I7ve felt..I've felt that way since then was when Terri told me I was going to be a father.No,  need to provide for my family.


エマ:But provide what exactly?The understanding that money is the most important thing or the idea that the only life worth living is one that you're really passionate about, Will ?





"Don't Stop Believin" by Journey (Glee Season 1 Episode 1)
