エピソード1 第2話『Showmance/ディスコミュージックはお好き?』③



The Celibacy Club is now in session.

Thanks to a school rule that says we hae to let anyone join the club,we're welcoming a new member this week.Rachel Whatshername,

Where are all the boys ?

Down the hall.FIrst half hour, we separate.Then we come together to share our faith.


I'm still on the fence about the Celibacy Club.I mean, I only joined to get into Quinn Fabray's pants.Still, it is a productive way for us guys to get together and talk about sexual issues.

I think I'm going to kill myself.I'm serious.We're bombarded with sexual imagery every day.Beer ads, those short skirts.I'm supposed to be surrounded by temptation,not be able to do anything about it?

Are you kidding ?Those skirts are crunchy toast.Santana Lopez bent over in hers the other day, and I swear I could see her ovaries.

God bless the perv that invented these.Remember the power motto, girls.

It's all about the teasting and not about the pleasing.

Buck it up like a dump truck,

Baby, So, how far does Quinn let you get anyway?

We grind, make out.

But how do you keep from...arriving early?Whenever I grind, Cinco de Mayo.

It's not a problem for me, man.

Actually it's a big problem.Somebody once told me that to keep from erupting too early, you should think of dead kittens and stuff.But the only image that works for me happened the day my mom took me out to practice for my driver's permit.

Pretty good, honey.Who says a father figure's necessary, huh?

Yeah.Driving's fun.

Oh, my god! Oh, my!Oh, my!you killed him.


What are you gonna do? Let's pair up for the Immaculate Affection.Now, remember, if the balloon pops,the noise makes the angels cry.

You enchant me.

Yeah. Take it.Ah, yeah!

Finn! It must have hit my zipper.

You know what ? This is a joke.Did you know that most studies have demonstrated that celibacy doesn't work in high school?Our hormones are driving us too crazy to abstain.The second we start telling ourselves that there's no room for compromise, we act out.The only way to deal with teen sexuality is to be prepared.That's what contraception is for.

Don't you dare mention the "C" word.

You want to know a dirty little secret that none of them want you to know ?(※文法)

Girls want sex just as much as guys do.

Is-Is that accurate ?



I officially  call this meeting of Glee Club in session.

But Mr.Schuester isn't here.

Mr.Schuester isn't coming.I paid a freshman to ask him for help with irregular verbs.

I'm so sick of hearing you squawk, Eva Peron.

Let her talk.

I have another idea for the assembly.

Can I, once again, stress my most strenuous objections to this attempted suicide?

They're not going to kill us.Because we're going to give them what they want.



@全校集会で指定曲とは別の過激曲「Push It」を披露

Silence, children.Silence.First, an announcement. The toilets are broken again.We are fixing the problem, but let me warn you.There will be zero tolerance for anyone soiling school grounds. We're not going to have a repeat of last time. We have a treat for you guys today.Mr.Schuester.

Yay,Glee!Glee kids, hooray!

Hi, Uh, when I went to school here,Glee Club ruled this place.And we're on our way back.But we need some recruits to join the party.Now, I could tell you all about how great Glee is, but, uh, I think I'm going to let some friends of mine show you instead.


Push it は「押し込め!」と訳されている。




