エピソード1 第2話『Showmance/ディスコミュージックはお好き?』④



They're for Tulip-A-Looza.It's a tulip festival down at Columbus Convention Center.It's supposed to smell pretty nice.That's really sweet of you, Ken,but I have a... asthma.

What are you doing ?Chasing a married guy.I saw you playing house with him after hours, Emma.I don't know a lot about relationships.Most of mine are short and flame out once the sex goes, but I do know you never want to be the rebounder.I'm a good man, Emma.I'll treat you right.I'll put up with all your crazy.They cant't fire me 'cause I'm a minority, so I'll always be able to provide for you.You could do a lot worse, and in this town, you're not going to do much better.Okay, I'm done talking now.


Try it.

Good,Okay, one more up.

That was really godd.Is that okay?

Yeah, it's like the Holy Grail for a baritenor,so it's a good note.All right, I'll start at the bottom and then we'll go up higher.

Can we take a break? Singing kind of makes me a little hungry.

Yeah, sure.Well, luckt I prepared fot that.

Wow, I was wondring what that was all about.

Want to sit ?

Yeah, yeah.Absolutely.

I was wondering why you asked me to help you with your singing.You kicked butt at the assembly.

Well, this is ...my only chance to be,you know, good like you.

You think I'm good?

Well, when I first joined, I thought you were kind of insane.I mean, you talk a lot more than you should, and to be honest with you, I looked under the bed and made sure that you weren't  hanging out under there.But then, I heard you sing.I don't know how to say this,but you touched something in me.Right here.

Your hear's on the other side of your chest.

Oh.it's breating really hard.

You're cool, Rachel.

Do you want a drink?Virgin cosmos.

Cool. That stuff you said at the Celibacy Club, that was really cool.


The cups are like the airplane cups.

Oh, you got a little cosmo right...Here.

You know, you can kiss me if you want to.

I want to.

What ?


What are you gonna do ?!

Did I do something wrong?

No, no U,... I just got to go.Look,please dont't tell anybody about this, okay?







元ネタはソウル歌手アレサ・フランクリンの『小さな願い(I say a little prayer)』。
